Monday, January 12, 2009

What's your New Year Fortune?

What do you do for your New Year's? Celebrate with your friends & family? Make a new year resolution? Well, for many Koreans, they visit their favorite tent fortuneteller! These tents are all over Seoul and they do tarot card reading, palm/face readings, and also saju, which is your fate determined by the date and time of your birth. You can also have specific reading done, such as your love fortune, marriage fortune, job fortune, and your study abroad fortune (whatever that means!). Anyway, it's an ala carte of fortune telling and if you are into this kind of stuff, it's pretty entertaining. As for me, I got my love reading done with tarot cards, and I think she was pretty on it for the most part. We'll see if I really do meet someone new between March and June of this year...

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